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The Art of Joseph Wood


About the Artist Joe Wood

Joseph Wood is a published Artist and Author, and lives in St. Louis, Missouri with the love of his life Qiana, and his children Vincent and Je'Bria.  He has two published books; UGLY WATER (2006) a historic narrative about an 1894 lynching in Missouri, and LUNA: Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear (2006) a book of verse with illustrations by the author.  His artwork has been collected for a traveling exhibit of 9/11 World Trade Center themed art, and has been published in the collegiate annual Voyaguer (2008) with portraits of Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G.  He believes that through the communication of art, music, and the written word--the complicated and diverse peoples of the world can transcend space, time, and language and realize its common purpose and experience.  It begins with history, and communication, and then change.


The art of Joseph Wood derived from what the artist calls "a visually rich childhood":
"I had access to old, yet very informative books that others my age probably never saw.  I also spent alot of time traveling to places that I had a strange curiousity for.  I  would keep vivid recollections in my head of these early people and places that I saw, and it gave me an archive from which to work from for an eternity.  Then when I learned to read, I became so fascinated with books, I would render drawings from the pictures out of the books in pencil.  This taught me how to draw what I see. 
Later on, I received the normal art courses, and built an early yet primative foundation in art.In my early teens, I stopped drawing altogether.  I spent 5 years not doing anything related to art, but in my head--I was still designing, still cataloguing the images that I saw and couldn't forget. 
In 1997, I started taking formal art courses in college.  The most valuable part of the experience was the access to the school library, which had an overwhelmingly diverse art section.  Here, I consumed the masters, the romantacists, the impressionists, and found the work of Vincent Van Gogh.  His innate gifts and compassionate subject matter impressed me deeply, and so I spent an entire year dissecting his work.  I then came face to face with Kandinsky, Picasso, and Pollock.  It was in the midst of this euphoria when I stumbled upon the regionalist painter Thomas Hart Benton--a teacher at the Kansas City Art Institute of a young Jackson Pollock.  Benton, along with Van Gogh, became the single most important influence on my goals as an artist.  It was in their rythm, color harmony, and subject matter that I discovered why I too was an artist."
If you would like to see the paintings of Joseph Wood, please click on the painting above.


The Card Shark (2004)

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